Friday, September 25, 2015

Childhood Shows
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So people are recreating TV shows that we loved like Teen Titans, and I wasn’t a big fan of Scooby Doo but that one too. And I think all they are doing is doing bad graphics, before, they tried to make the characters look real, now they are very animated. Apparently having poor graphics is now good? Weird.

Be_Cool,_Scooby-Doo!_character_redesigns.jpg scoobydo.jpg
By: Paola Valadez


  1. They should keep the original it looks better

  2. They need to stop messing up what was already good.

  3. The new ones arn't even funny or serious.

  4. Those shows were part of my childhood and watching them be recreated to something crappy just disappoints me

  5. Those shows were part of my childhood and watching them be recreated to something crappy just disappoints me
