Monday, November 16, 2015

Image result for paris terrorist attacks 2015

         Many people by now have heard of the Attack in Paris. THis attack killed for then 100 people, on Friday the 13rd this nightmare striked Paris.  Loretta E. Lynch, the United States attorney general, also offered help.
“We stand in solidarity with France, as it has stood with us so often in the past,” she said in a statement. “This is a devastating attack on our shared values, and we at the Department of Justice will do everything within our power to assist and work in partnership with our French law enforcement colleagues.” This attack has brought our Nation closer and we will continue to stand and fight together through this tough time.

                                        -Maraya Salas


  1. This terrorism thing that has been going on needs to stop, killing people is not starting war its just inspiring fear to the people

    1. I agree , ISIS has released a "Kill List" that has 7 Texas cites on it.
